1. intro

This howto has been made as a frustration how Huwaei makes devices as they were windows devices.

The big confusion is, that for very basic tasks, Huwaei makes it very complicated to configure it.

After many tries and retries, we found major bugs in the Huawei software which can be bypassed with following steps:

  • disable the mobile data

  • connect to the buildin access point

  • do an offline commissioning

2. installation




3. configuration

  • pulldown upper line

  • disable Mobile data

  • SettingsNetwork & InternetWi-Fi → SUN2000L-210107380010HC000820 → password: Changeme

  • DO NOT Log in

  • press



Tip in bedrijfsname van apparaat








4. result



5. reset procedure

6. bug

int.fusionsolar.huawei.com -> eu5.fusionsolar.huawei.com